Friday, February 5, 2016

Family and the Bridge to Nowhere

So, you're on your way home from work, and you are thinking about how great it will feel to relax for the evening.  The closer you get to home, the more your bladder works. Suddenly you realize you have to pee, very badly. Your thinking shifts from relaxing your mind and body, to relaxing your bladder. You pull into the driveway, run in the house and the first thing you hear is the sound of little kids and a random mom arguing. Did you walk into the wrong house?  Are you dreaming? Did someone just "punk" you?  While relaxing your bladder, you begin to realize that those voices, that drown out the sound of urine hitting toilet, are the voices of YOUR wife and kids. Yes, they're arguing about something that makes no sense.

You find yourself thinking...thinking of running away to somewhere. To anywhere. To nowhere. You think of that famed "Bridge to Nowhere" and you start planning out how to find it and drive on it until you reach the end. You wonder if you can swim from there to Russia. You imagine yourself drowning in shark-infested waters, because that would be less painful than hearing the females of the house  having an estrogen shootout....

Yea, that seems to be a moment that makes you question yourself and the reason you're here. You wonder why the heck you are stuck here in this moment, having these thoughts. Suddenly, you hear the sound of a 6 year old girl talking to you. She's saying "Bye, I love you."  In that moment, you remember that the kids are going to a birthday party. The reason for the fuss, well, they're running late. Hey, they're female so it's expected.

Suddenly, that bridge to nowhere doesn't seem so appealing, and NOBODY wants to be eaten by sharks. These moments make a man. The moment that makes you want to run away, makes you stronger. But only if you stop, look at yourself, and decide that the bridge to nowhere is a lonely drive, and shark bites are painful.  Man is not meant to be alone. With the woman, comes love. With love, comes marriage. With marriage, comes family. No kids? You still get in-laws. That's a whole different level of that for another post.

Anyway, my point is that family is everything. Nothing makes you stronger. Nothing makes you feel more happy. Nothing makes you love more deeply. Nothing makes you a better person.  And nothing makes you want to find that bridge to nowhere, and drive to the end.

Just ONE of my many thoughts.

STILL more to come...


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