Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sometimes things happen that make you happy. Other times, sad things happen. The fact is, life is full of ups and downs, happy and sad. It's how you react to them that makes you the person you are. I've learned that I have to react to everything in a positive way. Whether I'm happy and enjoying life or things aren't going so great, I have to be thankful for what I have or what I am going through. Friends are a dime a dozen and come and go, depending on their mood. Family is, well, family is weird. But GOD, he is the same everyday and only wants to see you smile, even if it's through tears. Today, I am smiling through tears. Maybe not physical tears, (since I rarely cry due to my immeasurable manliness), but tears of the heart.  With my grandpa dying this afternoon, it makes me see how precious time is. Time with my wife and kids. Time changing diapers and holding hands. Time spent putting band aids on "boo boos". Time waiting out the meltdowns and tantrums that occur when children are upset. Time spent wondering how I'm going to pay for college. Time spent talking to my wife, late at night, until words no longer make sense and sleep interrupts me mid-sentence.  You see, time is the most valuable currency known to man. You can spend it on bitterness and regret, or you can spend it on gray hair, laugh lines and memories that will be passed down, through conversations, to your kids and grandkids. Stories that will bring smiles to your loved ones faces long after you're gone.   I choose to spend it on the memories.

Until next time
